Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Elizabeth Taylor Jewelry Auction Benefits AIDS and HIV

Elizabeth Taylor is dead, but a jewelry auction for AIDS and HIV sufferers is taking place in California. A watch Michael Jackson gave her could go for $500,000. During her life, her charity and foundation supported research towards a cure for the condition.

The late actress and philanthropist loved the finer things in life. She took the phrase "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" to a whole new level.

According to CBS NEWS, as part of a traveling international effort to address growing concerns of AIDS in Africa and other parts of the world, precious jewels Elizabeth Taylor owned will be on display for auction.I Love Elizabeth Taylor

The Liz Taylor jewels collection begins its journey around the world in West Hollywood, California, where 269 pieces will go to the highest bidder in each lot.

Among the treasured Taylor collection are primarily things her former husband (one of many) actor Richard Burton bought her. It was said he gave her lavish things to make peace after spats or because it was just an expression of his love.

Not only will buyers or enthusiasts see a wristwatch her dear friend, the late Michael Jackson, gave her, the famed 33.19 carat white diamond Burton ring is on display. It was a 1968 gift to Elizabeth Taylor.

Jewelry from another former husband, Mike Todd, will be on display as well. His antique diamond tiara to Taylor is dazzling. It is valued between $60,000 and $80,000.

Other items in the lots to help HIV and AIDS are a 16th century Burton-bought pearl surrounded by rubies on a necklace. It will probably fetch up to $3 million.

From West Hollywood, California, the traveling international auction heads to Paris, Geneva, Hong Kong, and Dubai. And on its last stop, New York will host the event for Taylor's AIDS foundation on Dec. 13 to 16.

Sadly Elizabeth Taylor died months ago. However, the jewels she loved the most will continue supporting the cause she supported the most. Hopefully, one day a cure for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is found.

-Celebs Gather

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